Research Post: IS2

My research site is Grand Central Terminal. When I made observations about this location, I was standing in center of the terminal.

Ten questions I have about this site (must begin with “why” and “how”):

  1. How can people get information inside?
  2. How many people pass through Grand central terminal in a day?
  3. How many film was it shotted in Grand central?
  4. Why is Grand Central named ‘Grand Central’?
  5. How many train are departed?
  6. How old is Grand Central?
  7. Why are many shops in Grand Central?
  8. Why did designer build Grand central European style?
  9. Why is Grand central located 42nd and park ave?
  10. How does whisper wall work at Grand Central?

Three of the above questions that could be my main central research question:
1.Why did designer build Grand central European style?
2.How does whisper wall work at Grand Central?
3.How old is Grand Central?

Why did designer build Grand Central European style?

Grand Central Terminal is Beaux Arts architectural design by Whitney Warren because the designer provide attractive historic structure to travelers with sculptures what are surrounding the terminal.

Architectural design of Grand Central Terminal was considered by architects and planner for urban plan in New York City.

Grand Central Terminal is Beaux Arts architectural design by Whitney Warren because the designer were responsible for the aesthetics of the station by the Vanderbilts who consider that people expected new design of Grand Central Terminal.





This is my psychological map where is Grand Central Terminal. I focus on design of architecture which is Beaux-art. I can see many arch style for inside and my map represent these style. This is important to me to organize Beaux-art and why the designer chose this style for Grand Central.

Create Annotated Bibliography

Schlichting, Kurt C. Grand Central Terminal: Railroads, Engineering, and Architecture in New York City. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

The author describes about beaux-art for monument America’s Railway Age. Also he describes how Grand Central became the most important transportation hub. It’s helpful knowing Beaux-art at Grand Central Terminal.

Robins, Anthony, and Frank F. English. Grand Central Terminal: 100 Years of a New York Landmark.

The author describes how Grand Central has became one of landmarks in New York City and how architecture style effects to Grand Central Terminal. It’s helpful knowing history of architectural monuments of Grand Central Terminal.

Pope, Robert Anderson. “Grand Central Terminal Station, New York.” The Town Planning Review2, no. 1 (1911): 55-64.
The journal describes how history of Grand Central Terminal. It is about how the terminal moved and extended.
Hardy, Hugh, Holzman Malcolm, and Pfeiffer Norman. “Saving Grand Central Terminal or the Future of Midtown Manhattan.” JAE 30, no. 2 (1976): 16-21.
The journal describes what Grand Central Terminal mean to recent people and society. It helps to know attention of people for Grand Central Terminal and architecture style.
Grand Central Terminal. Grand Central Terminal. Accessed June 07, 2016.
The web site describes function of Grand Central Terminal. Web site explains the terminal is most beautiful Beaux-art in New York City.
Grand Central Terminal Guide | What to See | Free Tours by Foot. Free Tours by Foot. Accessed June 07, 2016.
The web site describes what I can see in Grand Central Terminal. Also, it explains about exterior surround the terminal. I can recognize Beaux-arts for exteriors.

Story Board






  • Grand Central Terminal is located 89 E 42nd St, New York and it designed Beaux-arts with arches and sculptures.
  • The terminal is usually crowded and noisy. There are many different style of stores in there.
  • Grand Central Terminal is Beaux Arts architectural design by Whitney Warren because the designer was responsible for the aesthetics of the station by the Vanderbilts who consider that people expected new design of Grand Central Terminal.

Main idea 1

  • The design of the Terminal was reason by historical issue.
  • There was issue for making urban design and people expected design of the terminal.
  • History of Reed & Stem, Warren & Wetmore for Grand Central Terminal (Web source)
  • Warren & Wetmore’s Beaux Arts architectural design is effective for this masterful circulation plan.

Main idea 2

  • The design is effective from past to contemporary. How does the design effect to contemporary.
  • People make a decision the design is positive for Grand Central Terminal.
  • People enjoy the design of the terminal with many beautiful things. (web source “Grand Central Terminal: An American Icon Turns”)
  • Many reasons for design make effect to people who enjoy the design of the terminal.

Main idea 3

  • The design of the terminal effect to people and being symbol of New York City.
  • What Grand Central Terminal means in New York City.
  • Grand Central Terminal: A study in Beauty and Meaning.
  • How people think the terminal.


  • How the design effect to other architecture and the future.



Artist statement

My purpose for my design is communication with viewers because I tend to focus on sympathy. I always try to gain the sympathy at least one of elements what I designed from work. It could be color matching, composition, using media, and any aesthetics. My concept is usually from experience which this can be a story about myself or people have ever experienced. By the subject, I tell my experiences and emotions using art works or design. Especially, I consider color matching because that is one of the most visible for design. Focusing colors can be causing interest when people face my work for a first time and it outstands to people even though they are unfamiliar about design. That can be one of effective way to make a sympathy with viewers. Also, I am sensitive person for combination of colors how mixed color look good. That is the reason why I prefer pop-art, commercial design, and design for advertisement because they need to be outstanding and gain a sympathy from viewers. In addition, using experience for concept of my design is the reason for communication with my viewers.


Seongjin Park(research final)

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