What is “fake”? (what does it mean/why is it important)
To me, fake has a different meaning than what I thought it was coming into it. Although I still believe that counterfeit handbags are a form of fake, I now realize that there is a deeper meaning and that it can be more true than truth itself. It is important because of how powerful it can be compared to truth, which can be weaker. Fake is comprised of 4 main types- fake as fantasy, truth, fraud and mistake.
What are three key concepts you took away from this semester?
1. simulacra
2. performativity
3. fake that is fraud
What are three skills you got from the course?
1. better writer as a whole
2. better at reading/outlining difficult texts
3. research tips and sources
Which assignments did you feel best practiced these skills and concepts?
I think that the reading responses weekly really helped me with my reading and writing skills. Before this class, I was a slower reader and had a hard time summarizing. This helped me get a lot better with this. Also just writing weekly was helpful because like anything else, the more you practice the better you become.
What concepts or skills from the course have you used in other courses (other than studio)?
I used the concepts of simulacra and performativity in my drawing/imaging class when discussing other assignments. The writing/reading skills have helped me in my Sustainable Systems class because that class is mostly seminar based.