
For my midterm, I wanted to create a simple prototype of an idea I was considering following for my final project.  I’ve been interesting in looking at old technologies, such as oscilloscopes, and using them in new ways.  I wanted to take a technology that felt nostalgic (because of scifi movies full of control rooms with strange monitor screens) and make it tangible and personal.

In the future, I’d like to use a similar code and actually use it on a physical oscilloscope but with a more intimate sensor to capture a human action — something like a heartbeat sensor.  With how fast technology is improving and causing some people to feel alienated by it, I’d like to examine how it can also be used to create an intimate experience and promote empathy between others.

Digital StillCamera

Digital StillCamera



I found you can do a lot of really cool things with oscilloscopes, like audio and data visualization, but in the future I’d like to make it more tangible by having it be physical and interactive.  The thing I liked about oscilloscopes is that although it seems like a very two dimensional sine wave visualization, people have taken it to so many different levels and used it to represent so many things.  I love how oscilloscopes are so hackable.

I used PureData for this project because I just recently began learning how to use it and wanted to experiment more with this language.

As my code was pretty simple, I really only used the example patch created for connecting FaceOSC we looked at in class and the scopeXYZ help patch found in PureData

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