Response for the Movie, "Memento"

Response for the Movie, “Memento”

The movie “Memento”, directed by Christoper Nolan, was quite impactive to me.

Memento begins with the scene with which, chronologically, it ought to have concluded.

Then it proceeds in two convergent narrative lines one from the present backward and

the other from the past forward. There were some scenes that the two different narrative

lines met the point of contact, and those scenes helped me to understand the flow of events.

I like this movie and also “Inception”, also directed by the same director, because those two

movies keep asking the basic question of human existence from beginning to end. In the movie,

the main character Leonard constantly asks himself, “who am I and where this place is.” The chaos

between his real memories and delusion he made to deviate from himself, Leonard lost ways and

lingers between them. In other words, he trapped himself to a labyrinth that he created himself.