This Gucci advertisement depicts a female model as a comodifiable sexual object.

The female model is lying on the male model’s knees and making a lethargic expression

on her face. She ‘s lying her head down on her arms as if she wants to suppress herself from

the movement. The male model is touching her hips, as though he is controlling

her like a subject of the body. The first impression I got after looking at this advertisement

was discomfort. This advertisement neither represents clothing properly, nor the

brand’s dignity. It just focuses on promotes female individual sexually and in a nasty way.

By depicting woman as a powerless and submissive to man, this advertisement

creates bias that woman is a inferior to man. During the research I found out

that since 1994 when Tom Ford took over Gucci, the company has promoted

their brand by ”Sex sells!” However, as an international fashion brand, which

has a huge influence on giving people impressions and inspirations, they need

to be careful when they represent gender role in advertisements. In that sense, this

advertisement is failure as it injects biased perception towards women.