CORE STUDIO 2D Inkblot Interpreting Story

Project Title: Inkblot Interpreting Story

Project Parts: 1. Interpreting inkblots; 2. Embedding stories into self-creating own inkblots.


  • Part 1 Interpreting inkblots (Step 1): 

Turn your inspirational visual or feeling jumping off the assigned five inkblots into a set of five corresponding elements. Are they creatures, characters, or landscapes? Can they be a club, family, squad? Are they tandem symbols for some kind of prognostication? In what context do they exist?

Above are my drawings of inspiredly created characters based on assigned inkblots.

The 4 on the left are the guardians of a legendary, mysterious and powerful treasure placed in the center of an ancient, mythological underground maze. If treasure hunters or heroes try reaching the center for that “treasure,” they will encounter these guardians. The guardians will perform their duty, preventing anyone from getting the treasure, in their own unique ways.

The 1 on the very right is the treasure hunter, or we can say, protagonist. She wants to go through the challenges from the guardians and solve the secret of that treasure.

  • Part 1 Interpreting inkblots (Step 2): 

Choose 2 of the 5 and work into them using a limited color palette, texture or pattern that connect them visually into the story context.

Above are my 2 chosen and detailedly visualized characters. I felt the bricky palette and swirl pattern especially corresponding to the setting of an ancient, mythological maze well.


  • Part 2 Embedding stories into self-creating own inkblots:

Create your own 6 inkblots by randomly dropping ink onto sheers of paper and folding them. After that, render and embellish them to create a character or subject of a dialogue. An intend to convey your thoughts about this character to an audience needs to be included.

Above are my randomly-made inkblots and what arrangement I came up with.

Above are my characters embellished from my arranged inkblots.

The first one is a giant robot with its weapon spear. The other is the pilot, also a robot but smaller, of that giant robot.

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