im on fire

Unspoken: not expressed in speech. This project is meant to bring light to the lack of education and conversation surrounding menstrual health. styled with tights and lingerie because they are transitional objects that represent the movement from being a child to being an adult. Similarly to a period which signifies a girl becoming a woman. […]

back to black

this project was made as a reaction to the feelings I associate with living in a big city. women are often objectified and put into dangerous situations because of their bodies. When I lived in New York I would daily walk through the city going wherever I needed to be. I went to extra lengths […]

dear boy

I began this process thinking about the body. I spent a long time turning over in my head what the concept of body meant to me. I began to work through my personal experiences with touch and how my body has reacted. This project grew out of a place of vulnerability and my experiences with […]

body map

When looking at maps I was inspired by what they represented. I wanted to use this format to create a image that talked about women’s bodies.   I looked at words used in religious text to create a key so each layer would have a distinction of what it represented.   I started by choosing […]

ocean eyes

INSPIRATION: I was inspired to look into this topic after watching my birth. My mother filmed herself giving birth to me and it was an amazing spiritual experience watching that with her. I am fascinated with women’s rights and how society views us. Women are capable of the most amazing unexplainable things and they deserve […]

Final Toolkit Design

300 word brief One overlooked issue many homeless people deal with is menstrual cycles. When women don’t have proper hygiene around their period they are susceptible to extreme health risks. Many women only use one pad or tampon for the duration of their period, others use objects like towels and socks which are covered in […]

Bridge 2 Artist Book

Fashion that has caused harm culture has placed a huge influence of why these things were done despite the terrible causes. These are the original items that inspired me to make this book. Not all were included due to lack of page space but they all inspired this project. -Thailand- Elongated Necks. Caused the shoulders […]

Unite installation

proposal  ‘Unite’ is an installation that will stay up for four days. It  consists of fabric being strung from tree to tree. The fabric will lay flat and horizontal. Many layers of fabric will overlap with one another to create different filtrations of light. The pieces of fabric will be pulled fairly tight to decrease […]

Venice Flood essay and wayfinding

venice flooding   Tyler Fata  Drawing and Imaging  Venice Flooding   This article talks a lot about the mayor of Venice and what he has to say about this disaster. All the schools have been closed because the city was submerged under a high tide. It is the highest it has been […]

monument model

    My monuments purpose will be to bring awareness to mental illnesses. It is to celebrate those making a positive difference in others’ lives. It is a place where people who have lost someone to mental illness can come to mourn their death. Many people suffer from a mental illness or know someone who […]