Category: Integrative Seminar 2

Int Seminar 2 Reading Response [Design and Order in Everyday Life]

Int Seminar 2 Research Response [Con Art: Why You Ought to Sell Your Damien Hirsts While You Can.]

Int Seminar 2 Storyboard and outline of final essay [Is Damien Hirst A Real Artist?]

Int Seminar 2 Research Response [Meat Matters: Distance in Damien Hirst.]

Int Seminar2+Studio2 Bridge 2 Essay+12 Artworks [Perfections and Imperfections]

Int Seminar 2 The Met Analysis [Fleurs de Peches]

Int Seminar 2 Reading Response [The Dressed Body]

Int Seminar 2 Research Response [The Transvaluation of Morality in the Work of Damien Hirst.]