Wire Hand Sculpture

A hand sculpture made of two kinds of copper wire.

At first, looking at the assignment, before I even had the materials, I thought I had lost. I had never made 3D art before, and was swimming in completely new waters. Thankfully, my end result makes me feel a lot more confident about my capabilities with this new medium.

The hand gesture is the pointer and middle finger sticking out horizontally, while the others are folded. It’s representative of the “pointy goat”, or otherwise known as the tickle goat (the Ukrainian and Russian equivalent of the tickle monster). This gesture was important to me since growing up my mother always played “tickle goat” with me, and now I play “tickle goat” with my three year old sister. It reminds me of my family and of Ukrainian culture.

The hand is segmented almost completely evenly throughout, and although the thumb is slightly large, in the end the measurements end up being almost exactly 1.5 times larger than my own hand.

I am very happy with the way this turned out. Considering my expectations going into it, and the end result, I would say I was very successful in this venture. Will definitely do more wire things in the near future, as I already have about a dozen new ideas.

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