Bridge 4 – Action Plan


Week 11

two observations – observation of the house, observation of conversations with my friend about Ted.

Photographs for project taken in high resolution.

Sketches of planned out project.


Week 12

Material exploration of mediums that work well on photographs and/or other ways to do the layover.

Draft of photographs.

Critique of photographs.


Week 13

Material exploration through model of structure for installation.

Research on other artists that have done the same work.

Building of maquette and sketches of layout.

Critique of new project idea (installation).


Week 14

Material exploration of wire as a medium for sculpture. Looking at various other mediums to simplify/enhance the look that I was aiming for for sculpture.

Building of canvas, painting of both canvases, building of wire man.


Week 15

Finalization of installation.

Critique of installation.


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