Life Cycle of Bubble Tea

The Life Cycle of Bubble Tea
24 Innovations
  1. Use a simpler design on labels and logos= less ink
  2. Instead of the Middle East, mine it in Texas 
  3. Invest in tea estates in a place closer than china, perhaps in Hawaii
  4. Use a reusable coffee filter 
  5. Have a bigger recycling can to recycle the plastic cups instead of trash
  6. Use an energy saving blender
  7. Use a solar powered brewer
  8. Instead of packaging the tea in plastic, use recycled material
  9. Instead of transporting anything by plane, use boats
  10. Since the pearls are vacuum packed, transporting a large shipment at once instead of small, frequent shipping 
  11. Guarantee fair pay and labor laws to the farmers on the tea estates
  12. Have production of cups in the US for lower controlled coal mercury emissions
  13. Implement reusable consumer cups, to save plastic 
  14. Make more durable insulated containers, for longer use
  15. Create containers that hold tea freshness for longer than 4 hours, reduce the water boiling and tea use
  16. Give employees free tea after 4 hour expiration to decrease waste 
  17. Use thinner cups to decrease amount of plastic 
  18. Work with other bubble tea stores for group ownership of shipping, so one company can make multiple stops instead of multiple trips 
  19. Make the parts on the blender (such as cap or blade) easily repairable/replaceable
  20. Use biodegradable cups for certain drinks, such as hot ones
  21. Easy repair on tea factory machines 
  22. Create a healthier and organic plant creamer powder
  23. Give leftover tea to shelters on cold days as a form of warming up 
  24. Plan smart and efficient farming practices 


I think the best innovation would be to have customers buy a reusable cup from Gong Cha, so every time they come in, they could get their drink in the cup they brought. This would reduce how much plastic is needed to make one-time-use cups. To further make people bring their cup in every time, Gong Cha could offer a $1 save off of “cup tax”, where you can save some money, not necessarily $1, every time you have your cup. This would encourage people to be more conscious of the trash they leave behind and save the environment, because mining petroleum and making polypropylene is more damaging, to the earth and to our bodies. I think it is an innovation of efficiency because it reduces the environmental impact, economic impact (consumers can save money and the company can save money from ordering and shipping disposable cups), and create a more sustainable life cycle, especially at the end with the waste products. One externality is making the cups, which can be internalized by contacting and commissioning US manufacturers, who can regulate their products and support local businesses/domestic business, which results in less shipping.


I think an estimated price for these cups would be somewhere from $7-$10 in order to accommodate for most of the “costs”, but more realistically, people would buy it more if they regularly came or the price of the cups were cheaper ($5). By contracting with US manufacturers, you can save on long distance-trans pacific shipping, and also support domestic business.

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