Personal Field Trip

Studio 2: Systems and strategies

Miss Sara

Yuzheng Wang (Rebecca)

March 13, 2017

Photos of the Apple Store:


Paragraph of reflection:

In this visit to the Apple Store, I found that the Apple Company was the company which really match people’s preferences. During this visit, I found that the Apple Company’s staff were really polite and full of passion. And the environment in the store was really neat and comfortable. And each floor had it’s “mission”, like the first floor mainly sold about main products like computers and phones. And the second floor sold accessory like earphones. And the third floor was about repairing. And I was planning to talked about major three aspects in my final project, which were the Apple Stores organizing systems, and its advanced technology and its commercial ways of selling. And after this visit, I thought that I should also include how did the Apple Store divide and manage its interior spaces.

Research Tool 3

Studio 2: System and Strategies

Miss Sara

Yuzheng Wang

February 26, 17

During the process of collecting my own trash, I found out that I threw out a lot of trash in a week. And I found out that I threw a lot of paper and plastic. The paper I threw away was mainly napkins, waste paper, and cardboard paper. And plastic was mainly the plastic bottles. The process was really meaningful, because it enabled be to found out that I actually throw away a lot of trash that harm our living environment.

Moreover, I also found that plastic really harm the environment, because the plastic was really hard to decompose. I thought I realized that I should use less plastic water bottles, instead, I could buy maybe beverages in glass bottle. And for the paper, I thought I could use the wasted but blank paper for scratching. And then put all the glass bottles and used wasted paper in to recycle.

When I observed into my trash materials, I found out that my trash also contained many other materials. Like ink, colorful pigments. This made me more concern about out living environment because many harmful trashes contained even more harmful materials that could harm our living environment badly.

I am very concern about where will our trash be sent to and how long does the trash we throw away decompose. Does the trash hurt the animals and insects, and does the trash hurt the entire food chain.

I thought we should all be aware of our current situation now, that we are actually hurting the environment, and maybe in the end we are hurting ourselves. We should start to recycle things, and try to use the products that are more environmentally friendly.

Research Tool 1

Notes on Research:
Traffic lights (link:
Traffic lights (link:
Traffic signs (link:
Traffic signs (link:
Crossing (link:
Traffic rules (link:

Bridge 1 Deconstruction

Artist: Robert Smithson

Theme: Robert Smithson’s ‘Spiral Jetty’ (1970)

Step 1-Idea formation

Idea: He wanted to create an land art

Questions: What would he make? He didn’t know at first.

Assumptions: Maybe he would make an art in landscapes

Step 2 – Research:

  • He got to the location
  • He noticed the reddish coloration in the Great Salt Lake
  • He used natural materials
  • He knew the growth pattern of crystals
  • He collected rock and earth to do the artwork

Step 3 – Observation:

  • He arrived at the site
  • He saw the horizons
  • He thought of the cyclone
  • He felt a feeling of spinning

Step 4 – Sketches:

  • He thought of the Spiral Jetty to seem historical
  • He wanted to include water and rocks

Step 5 – Start to do:

  • He hired a company to help him with the work
  • He spent six days on it
  • He used a huge number of rock and a huge amount of earth

Step 6 – Finalizing Work:

  • The the work could not always be seen because of the changing of the level of water
  • He gave the work to Dia Art Foundation


Time: Frame-Unit 4: NETWORKED TIME: New Media & Non-Linear Narrative (Project Final submission)

Unit 4: NETWORKED TIME: New Media & Non-Linear Narrative

The topic of this hypermedia narrative was three things that made me anxious in Parsons. The three things were: I thought the hallways and the elevators were too colorful for me, especially after saw them after millions of times. I thought maybe was because of the color was too saturated. Moreover, was about the “turtle” elevator. The elevator in Parsons’ building was really slow. And the last thing was that the “frozen” printer. Once I was pressing the “print” button twice to print two documents. But the printer only gave me one of the two documents I printed. So I thought the printer was froze and I needed to do it all over again. But these were very small things which made me a little bit anxious in Parsons, overall, I am really proud of Parsons.

The multimedia objects I included in this project were texts, videos and pictures. The link structure showed the sense of casual, which the browsers could browse the website by themselves, because it was a non-linear structure in my project. I wanted the viewers to choose what they wanted to see first by hiding the three things I was going to talk about. I also made different unique links that I wrote different works on paper with highlighters and took different pictures of them and made different and colorful picture links. I also made different highlighters to create the background pictures for my websites. The link structures also explained different things in my websites. For example, as browsers were browsing the texts on my websites, the link of autoplay videos and controlled videos were beside or around the text, which explained what I was talking about. Also the link of different pictures also functioned as explaining. Moreover, the link to different webpages also linked to and explained what I was going to talk about. Thus, the using of link structures made the webpage more clear. And also with the link structure, it enabled me to make the webpages more easily. The using of hyperlinks created a sense of “What is going to be next?” for me. Also sometimes indicated what I was going browse next. I used hyperlinks to link different major webpages and create non-linear structures. I also used hyperlinks to let browsers to choose what they were going to see next and hide what I was going to talk about in other webpages. I also used hyperlinks to enable browsers to “go back” to major webpages. So hyperlinks were also functioned as branching. Moreover, hyperlinks also linked to different videos, pictures and other webpages, so it also functioned as a way of clarifying and explaining on my websites.

I thought the main concept of this project was mainly about making our webpages by using hyperlinks and nonlinear structuring ways. And I thought it really connected with Unit 4, which was the new media and non-linear narrative. And in this unit of class, I had the chance to make my own nonlinear webpages and get in touch with making different hyperlinks and different functions of hyperlinks. Moreover, with making the nonlinear structure webpages, I found that by hiding what I was going to talked about, I created a sense and experience of exploring in my webpage. My project webpages also used hyperlinks in many different ways, such as branching, explaining, clarifying. And by using nonlinear structuring ways, I also created a sense of exploring in my webpages. I thought this project was really meaningful and interesting. I found that there were many functions of hyperlinks, and the feeling and experience of using nonlinear structure was also very interesting. Even though it was a little challenging for me to learn and create the webpages for the first time, but it was a really meaningful and interesting experience for this project. This project would definitely influence my future works because I learnt the skills of making webpages and different functions of hyperlinks, the using of non-linear structuring ways and how to create an experience and a sense of exploring for browsers. So I thought this project and the skills I learnt in this project were really interesting and meaningful to my future.

Link to my website:

Wire frames:









Space and Materiality: Project 3: Social-Ecological Space and Materiality Performative Objects (Time and Site)

Project 3: Social-Ecological Space and Materiality Performative Objects-Time and Site

Full Object Still Photo:




Detail Photo:



Assignment title: Project 3: Social-Ecological Space and Materiality Performative Objects (Time and Site)

Name: Yuzheng Wang (Rebecca)

Title of my piece: “The Performance about Chance”

Date: December 17, 2016

Approximate dimensions of my object: 38 inches*38 inches*3.5 inches

Materials: Pinewood, wire nails, construction screws, canvas, oil paints, leaves, photos, threads, papers and tapes.

3-5 images:

Picture 1:


Picture 2:


Picture 3:


Picture 4:


Picture 5:


Picture 6:


Picture 7:


Picture 8:


Picture 9:


Picture 10:



My site: Union Square

Date: December 17, 2016

Duration of performance: 3 hours.

A short paragraph: I performed my object by painting at Union Square. My performance was about chance. I collected different colors of leaves at Union Square by chance, and I found people in the crowd with similar cloth colors with the leaves I collected by chance. At that time, the people in Union Square, the color of the cloth they wear, the color of the leaves I collected, and the people I found, was all by chance. In Union Square, as I was performing my object by mixing the color of the leaves and the color of the person’s cloth, and as I was sewing the leaves and using tape (because of the time limit) to attach the photo of the person’s clothes color , I was mixing different chances in one.

1-2 minutes video link:

1-2 sentences what the video shows: The video was a documentation of part of my performance. I was painting, sewing, collecting leaves and asking people. I was the performer in the video. And in the video, also I chose one of the leaves by chance, and I was looking for a person wearing similar cloth colors with the leave I picked. I was explaining to that person that I wanted to mix the color of the leaves and the color of the person’s cloth color on canvas, and I also wanted to take a photo of that person’s cloth color. Then I started to mixing the color on canvas and sewing the leaves and photos on the canvas as well. many squares which represented mixtures of chance on canvas.

(I divided the top surface into nine small squares and in each square contains one leave I picked, a photo of a person’s cloth color and the mixture of the leave color and the person’s cloth color. )


This project was a really interesting challenge. At the beginning of making my performative object, I decided to make a unique canvas board, which has six canvas surface around the canvas frame. Thus, it looked more like a platform which fits the topic of performing. Thus, I carried large pinewood and canvas into the making center to do the frame myself. I found that I could accurately measure, carefully cut and sand the wood quicker than before. I found that the first project build the practical foundation for me in this project. I connected the woods into frames using wire nails and construction screws. Then I used staple gun to stretch the canvas to cover all six sides of the frame. I was really proud of my self that after making the frame and stretching the canvas, the unique canvas board could stand on its own, even though in the performance it will be place to lay on the ground. I found that canvas needs a lot of strength to stretch on the canvas structure and as I was stretching the canvas, I also needed to use the staple gun. Nevertheless, I made it finally. Moreover, for the first time, I performed my work in the outside world in public, it was a kind of scary at the first time, because I had never perform my artwork in the public before, but as I was actually perform it, I didn’t feel scared. And I felt like I was doing meaningful things. And people were paying attention to what I was doing. I heard one person said my painting was beautiful and she liked it. I found the confidence. It was a really nice experience that I did my work, collecting leave, explaining to people, taking photos of people’s clothes, painting and sewing leaves and use tape to attach photos (because of time limit) on canvas. And it was really nice that as I was performing my object, and I got interactions with people. The most important thing was that it was really interesting and meaningful to me that I mixed different chances into one. And I was proud of myself finished this huge project in such a cold weather for three hours.

The nature of interactions I got was collecting leaves on the ground. This was also a kind of interaction with the nature. And during my performance, people paid attention to my painting as they walked by, some of them stopped and took a picture of my performance, some people talked to me about my painting. And as I was searching the similar cloth color with the leave color in crowd, I explained to different people with similar cloth colors to the leaves colors about my project. I talked about my project briefly, and asking them whether I could take a photo of their cloth color. I found that the interactions were very important in this project. Because without interactions, I would lose many useful information and courage, such as the photos of clothes colors and confidence. It was a really nice experience to have different interactions from different people during my performance. If I had another chance to do my project, I thought I would talk to different people with less shy.

Time: Frame-“Unit 4, Milestone #4: Concept and ‘multimedia catalog'”

I am going to do a topic about “The things makes me anxious in Parsons”. I will give three major examples which made me feel anxiety in this school. The first thing is about the colorful elevators and hallway, the vibrant and high saturation color, such as red and yellow, made me feel anxious. Moreover, the printer in University Center also made me feel anxiety. There are times it just fails to print and once I click the “print” buttons to print two documents and the printer only print one document for me. The third thing in Parsons that made me anxious is the elevators in Parsons Building. Every time it takes a long time to wait for the elevator. I will make a nonlinear website which made the browsers to choose which one they wanted to see first by hiding what three things I am going to talk about, using “Click on me first”, “No!! Click on me first!” and “Click me!!!”. The three things I mentioned before are the ones makes me feel anxiety. These three things includes the time of waiting elevators, the time of dealing with the printer and the multiple quick shots of times seeing the colorful hall ways and elevators. And the order which the browser choose to click also determine the different time they will see different things. These three things also record the time I took the pictures and videos, also as a way to record memories. These are the three things made me feel a little bit anxious in Parsons, but of course I am still very proud to be a Parson student. The multimedia list is: Texts, pictures and videos.

img_117720161212-143418-2 The diagram.


“Time: Frame”-“Unit 4 Milestone #3: Media objects”




These are three images I created. One says:”’I WANT TO CLICK THIS!!’, one says ‘CLICK ON ME FIRST!’, and the last one says ‘NO!! CLICK ON ME FIRST!’ I wanted to use them in my second webpage, which is after my welcome page, because I wanted these images to create a confusion to the browsers to make them feel like after entering my first webpage, they don’t really know which one to click in the first place. And this is the way I wanted to make my web page to be non-linear. And each picture is a hyperlink to other webpages, and I wanted to make the hyperlinks access to videos, pictures and texts. I wanted to make the webpages through hyperlinks present as different stories, which was non-linear, no matter which hyperlink image the browsers click at first.