Wire in three Dimensions

When I started this project, I originally planned on making a wire sculpture based on my drawing, but I changed my mind later on and decided to model it after my guitar. I used steel 16 gauge, bronze 20 gauge, and 24 gauge golden coloured steel wires.

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I started off by cutting a long piece of the 16 gauge wire and bent it into the general shape of the guitar. This was not too hard as bending the wires into circular and more organic shapes tend to be easy. But when I got to the the neck of the guitar, I had to bend this thick wire into a straight line first, which proved to be the most challenging part in the process.

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After that I connected the two parts together using the bronze wire. I did not have the right tools, and only my hands, so bending the wires to a very tight state proved to be hard as well.

I added strings of bronze wire to fill the void within the guitar structure, and the crooked shapes in my opinion adds a lot to the aesthetics.

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A base is added by making a repeated circle that has to be balanced, I then stringed two additional wires through the body of the guitar and connected them to the base to secure it.

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Finally, I grabbed the golden piece that I started off with and didn’t know what to do with, and put it onto the top as an abstract addition to the piece.

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Overall, I think the project is pretty fun. I think if I had more time I would’ve went for a bigger scaled and detailed project. But in the end I am satisfied with what I made as it is a good simple piece to display on the desk.


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