Bridge 3 Mail Art

For the mail art project I decided to use one of my favourite mediums, ink. Since it’s a project that gives us complete freedom with the limit being the envelope, I decided to just start improvise drawing. I was listening to some rock music, and the cover of the album “Wolves” by Rise Against gave me starting point. I outlined a wolf’s head that’s similar to the one of the album cover, and from there on, I grabbed a pen and started free drawing according to the shape of the head. After that, I just started drawing whatever popped into my mind, and tried to be consistent on the shading style. 

I really liked this project. It was a free drawing session I haven’t experienced in a very long time, and I would say it was very music inspired as I was blasting songs while drawing. I wanted to divert all of that energy I was feeling from the music into the art piece. It was very liberating having the creative freedom to add in anything I want, and I really enjoyed this as the prompt enabled me to do what I wanted to do.  

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