5 Products & Systems

PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS working sheet

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Product name: Headphones

Manufacturer: Steel Series

Designer (if not known who invented this product): Nathaniel Baldwin

Year invented:1910

System of your daily life where this product takes part:

Listening to music or playing games and can be used as a mic too


Explain its function and relation to the system (200 words):

About everyone nowadays own headphones, and mostly it’s been bought for entertainment use. It functions as a privacy tool that limits the sound to be only heard by the individual wearing the headphone. In a public space it serves to respect the surrounding, but at the same time it can block out noise so there is more peace for the individual using the headphones. Headphones are also used in industries or militaries as communication or tactical tools. For example in the submarine, personnel would use headphones This headphone , however, is designed mainly for playing video games. I would say it is a very essential component in playing video games as it enhances how you utilize sound to maneuver in a game. Video games are social activities, and it requires communication between teammates especially in intense situations and headsets with mics make sure that you hear clearly what your teammates are saying as well as have your voice get heard clearly.

How can this product be improved to make the system and your life easier/better? (300 words):

First off, by making the headphones more comfortable to wear would improve the experience much better. One thing that is hard to adjust about headphones is its tightness, and most of the time the headphones would just come with one tightness and it wouldn’t really suit all head sizes. Having a wheel on top of the headphones that can adjust the width between the muffs (turning it in one direction can contract the width, and turning it the other way will expand the width). I have a lot of trouble sometimes with the headphone because whenever I look down on my phone with it on, it starts slipping down as it is a bit loose, and it is frustrating to adjust it back onto by head over and over again. However at the same time, if the headphones are tight and and secure, wearing overtime would start to cause discomfort or pain to the head, which I experienced many times before after wearing for a longtime. A solution would just be to use earbuds instead, but it would sacrifice sound quality which is why it is not a very good alternative. One way to improve this might be to integrate a horizontal strap that crosses your head width which can be used as a secondary tool to secure the headset on your head. WIth this I can loosen the vertical headband. This way I won’t experience pain after a few hours of use, and at the same time have the headphone completely secure. This way, overall the gaming experience would be much better, since a large physical discomfort issue will be gone.


PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS working sheet

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Product name: Bag

Manufacturer: Jansport

Designer (if not known who invented this product): Greg Lowe

Year invented: 1967

System of your daily life where this product takes part:

Going to school and carrying school related objects


Explain its function and relation to the system (200 words):

The bag’s function is for convenient carrying of everyday objects, and in this case is everything that’s school related. The backpack is a huge upgrade from just a regular handbag that one has to carry with his or her hands. The straps are also placed onto the shoulders of the user and thus back strength is used to the bag thus it’s more convenient. It is a product that all students use as it is required to carry all necessary work and objects to school. Due to this it is a key product in the educational system. In summary it serves s a carrier, like a boat, in itself there is nothing special, but its ability to take on a huge capacity makes it essential. Knowledge can be fit into this light yet sturdy object, from laptops to textbooks.


How can this product be improved to make the system and your life easier/better? (300 words):

Although the backpack is a pretty straight forward object that is just used to carry things, there can be improvements made to make it much better and easier to utilize. Bags can be frustrating when they jump up and down along with your movements. This is especially true when making bigger movements with the bag on, such as jogging, running, and going down stairs. The unstable movements of the bag can also cause the thing inside such as papers to get damaged. Furthermore, this unstableness can cause more back strain as it feels heavier. One way to improve this can be to mimic the gimbal stabilized camera mechanics. These camera stabilizers are able to keep the camera in one place as the handle moves freely in all directions, inspired by bird heads which can do the same. With this mechanic installed into the backpack, the strain on the back would be reduced by a lot more, as there are no unstable up and down movements present when the user walks or jogs. Essentially, instead of the more complex all round 180 stabilizer movement it can just be used to eliminate the up and down motion of the bag.


PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS working sheet

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Product name:  HP Laptop

Manufacturer: HP

Designer (if not known who invented this product): Adam Osborne

Year invented: 1981

System of your daily life where this product takes part:

Research, essays, projects


Explain its function and relation to the system (200 words):

We live in a highly digitalized world currently in which we are starting to use less of traditional ways of writing on papers or handing in physical works. Laptops are essential inventions to this new uprise in the use of electronics for study and professional use. It is a portable desktop that is more wieldy and portable and can be used as a search engine and digital notebook. I would say that it ties not just into the educational system but also the environmental system due to it reducing paper use from students and faculties, creating a more sustainable system. Back to the educational system, it is used to connect to the entire world and all the knowledge mankind holds today. Everything can be accessed without physically being in an actual spot. Moreover, it is capable of holding numerous softwares with different functions from as simple as writing to creating art pieces.


How can this product be improved to make the system and your life easier/better? (300 words):

I think one way to improve the laptop would be to make the document softwares or note taking softwares more user friendly by making it mimic physical papers more. Touch screens should be innovated more into the laptops so that it would be more accessible in most laptops in the future and thus teachers can stop asking for physical copies of paper for grading. Teachers find that grading and organizing is still much easier if the essays are handed in in paper format, but if this touch screen mechanic is more available, teachers can collect homework through digital files and then write on the digital paper just like how its done on papers. This way it can be better for the environment as it would greatly reduce individual usage of papers, which would almost always get thrown away in the end, a few years after its use. Furthermore, making digital devices more convenient and more organizable, students can be organized better. Many problems with students are that they usually lose physical papers, and after a few days the papers would also become less presentable due to them getting creased or crumbled. Digital files on the other hand can be organized very well in files and combined with the more universal touch screen capabilities, adding handwritten notes and sharing them would become simpler between students and teachers.


PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS working sheet

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Product name: adidas shoes

Manufacturer: Adidas

Designer (if not known who invented this product): Rubber Company

Year invented:  1892

System of your daily life where this product takes part:

Commuting to places outside requires shoes


Explain its function and relation to the system (200 words):

Literally everyone owns shoes as it is an inelastic product, and in the modern day it is not just a tool for walking, which it was designed for, but also for fashion. But most importantly it is required for traveling to anywhere outside. In order to get things done anywhere you do have to travel there, from studying to simply going out to eat with friends. Thus this simple footwear is a key tool as it in a way links the individual to the outside world and the social system.


How can this product be improved to make the system and your life easier/better? (300 words):

Living in a city like New York, it requires a lot walking, and it can be tiring after a long day, especially if you are carrying things. One way to innovate this might be to add pressure sensored propellers that depending on the situation would give an appropriate amount of propulsion to make mostly walking or running easier. Even though this is a stretch, this technology has been explored slightly in the military and it might be very useful to integrate this technology into the commercial shoes.


PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS working sheet

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Product name: 2012 Beats Pill

Manufacturer: Beats

Designer (if not known who invented this product): Peter L Jensen

Year invented:  1915

System of your daily life where this product takes part:

Listening to music


Explain its function and relation to the system (200 words):

It works as a sound amplifier that can connect with bluetooth to different devices. It is capable of connecting to smartphones, computers, and about any devices with bluetooth and input capabilities. By itself it doesn’t really have any use unless it is actually paired with devices, thus in a way it is part of a system. All it does is play the sound of whatever is inputted in there.


How can this product be improved to make the system and your life easier/better? (300 words):

One problem I face with the speaker is that when I bring it out, it is an unwieldy object in my opinion, and having a handle to carry it is still slightly inconvenient. Especially if I am bringing it to the beach, as I can’t really place it near the ground as it’s easier for sand to get in. Carrying it on the hand would be too much work. The alternative out there is a strap that would be put around the neck. However, this is still slightly inconvenient as it obstructs movement as it flies up and down. I think that having a strap that can be attached tightly to a body part would be great, such as around the waist to the back, or even on the arms.


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