Time Archive

For the 30 variation pictures I chose to simply shuffle the pictures like cards and then randomly place them into different orders.


From the 30 pictures I chose these 14 pictures in this specific order to create a sequence. I really wanted to keep the colour patterns in the different frames consistent as an aesthetic choice so I picked out the photos that would make the most sense and still has the purple filter present. I wanted to show the sequence of getting to the parkour gym and then having actions take place and then getting back again. I think I presented it pretty well with this grouping.


For the final layout I decided to use different pictures for the front and back cover an then combining then at the edge of the book. Also I didn’t want the covers to be too wide and only sized it a bit bigger than the pages inside. But I think enlarging it a bit more would make the craftsmanship better as some of the pages would stick out slightly. Furthermore, I do like how the pages are more flimsy since I didn’t glue everything together. This gives is the book a bit more of the style of an accordion book. As for the sides on the inside, all I did was glue a white layer onto it to give is a cleaner finish.



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