Time Composition: Final Open Project

For this project, I wanted to create a design that commemorates Iron Man i.e Tony Stark from the Marvel franchise. The Iron Man movie was the first to jump start this brand new Marvel cinematic universe. After about 11 years with 18 films, his character gave the ultimate sacrifice to save the world and open the path to the new heroes in the universe. He is my favourite character from the Marvel universe and I wanted to dedicate my final piece to him. The design features an expandable and retractable system for a triangle. The I layered the tops with laser cut red acrylic pieces that represents Tony Stark’s Iron Man armour. Upon expanding it, it reveals the first ever arc reactor (A surgically implemented heart piece that replaced his heart after he got injured) Tony Stark had. In Iron Man 1, after he got back to safety, he removed it and replaced it with a better one. He told his secretary, who later became his wife, to toss it, but she made it into a memento, with the words “proof that Tony Stark has Heart” engraved on it. This object was then revealed again 11 years later in the latest 2019 film Avengers 4 Endgame, in which it is a relic on display at Tony Stark’s funeral after his sacrifice.


I decided to make the centre piece, the arc reactor, out of mainly foam and with some pieces laser cut. I then painted all the individual pieces with mainly metallic silver, and I assembled the pieces after that with all purpose glue.

I made a leg attached to the mechanic and then to the arc reactor, so that it is placed directly in the centre. Once I expand the triangle, the arc reactor expands. The effect is suppose to represent Tony Stark retracting his Iron Man armour.


I really like the final result, as it really captures what I pictured.



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