Week 3: Systems Thinking

  1. 1.


In this sketch it shows 10 different objects and systems that coexist and support each other. It can be perceived that electricity and telecommunications are of major importance to most systems today in a digital wireless world. It also shows how some systems cannot exist without the other and depend heavily on each other. Services such as food delivery cannot exist without restaurants which is dependent on water at the same time. Furthermore, delivery services such as Uber Eats or Postmates depend on telecommunications as well as they get orders from online.

3. The Anthropocene is the recent coming of an age in which humanity has become the major influence on Earth, changing the course of nature and climate through human activities. For meeting the realities of the Anthropocene, I would like to create less waste. This is especially true when coming to plastics. Many times I would not away certain plastic packaging or materials as I can recycle them and use them in some art project in the future. One practice I want to start developing would be to accept less plastic bags. Currently, whenever I can I will just tell the store clerk I don’t need a plastic bag, but I would like to cut down completely maybe in the future.

4. It is almost like a research facility for newer more biodegradable materials. I found the wheat board to be fairly interesting. Wheat is mostly present in my everyday diet and it really gives me a new perspective on this cheaply produced crop that I consume. Another would be the milk paint. Another consumable material that can be used as paint. Synthesized paint is toxic for not just humans but the environment and it is good to see that there is a secondary less polluting material that can replace the current paints.

5. Natural dye: I think it is fun and it’s definitely something new. I have never made my own dyes before, and using more sustainable materials to create art does sound very appealing. I would like to experiment more with vegetables with more exotic colours.

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