Week 4: Mapping Systems + Lab Prep


1. PDF: sustainable systems systems map

More human rights associations can partner with NIKE to focus on the remaining sweat shop issues in Asia by monitoring the contractors and their treatment of employees. Furthermore, NIKE has taken huge steps already to be environmentally sustainable, especially in western factories, but it should start working towards improving Asian factories which will result in less pollution and worker health.

2. Bacteria dyes are 100% natural, through the reproduction of bacteria to create different colours. Synthetic dyes in contrast contain extremely harmful materials to the environment, especially when sent down the drain. Furthermore, one interesting point is that bacteria dyes have advantages over plant dyes. Plant dyes are produced depending on the seasons which means that it won’t be readily available, but bacteria dyes can be grown in labs with a controlled environment. Synthetic dyes can have a very strong impact on the aquatic environment. For example, if rivers become contaminated, it can kill surrounding vegetation as well as make people who use it as a water source sick. Even in water plants will suffer due to the dye absorbing light that halts the plants from photosynthesizing efficiently.

Impact of dyes

Material Insight: Bacteria Dyed Textiles




4. Two of my designs are abstract, but features organic shapes which really relates to objects or entities we see in nature. As for the other two I chose my hobbies, one being the guitar and the other being my favourite video game. I am in Game Design and the game I’m featuring is the one that really inspires me the most, which is why I chose it. The medium of bacteria didn’t necessarily influence the themes I chose, but as for the general aesthetics, they are very simple which is influenced by the medium.






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