Repair Project Part 1

2. After watching the kintsugi demo and having him explain more about it I feel like the process is a lot more complex than I had originally thought. Having him display the different plates made it more visually informative on how the full process is like. I personally do not have patience for slow process art forms, and I would often rush things to see results faster. Due to my personality I don’t think Kintsugi is for me, but if it comes to creating specific 3D artwork in the future, I will definitely have Kintsugi in mind. Moreover, I do feel that the Kintsugi can make an object and more meaningful and unique, giving what appears to be waste a new meaning. I do think this as a transformative art form in which a ready made object can become something different through repair that distorts the original form.

3. I feel like this is a good way to consider more thoughtfully and specifically on how current actions can influence future generations. The most essential things this generation can do is to take care of the environment which we are working towards. The ultimate goal should be to become completely independent from fossil fuel which will eventually run out, which can cripple the global economy. I personally think that I should stop creating too much plastic waste and reduce my carbon footprint. I think many people today are aware that their actions as a collective will affect the future generations, but most of us are probably too caught up with life and do not have the mindset to improve anything. Thinking about future generations and your impact can be very intimidating, but it’s challenges that bring out the creativity in people.


2) I always used this ruler when it comes to drawing more precise lines, but the metal piece has fallen out and being the only ruler I have really brings me some trouble.

3) I can only really think of two ways of doing this. Using a natural glue or melting the plastic parts of the ruler slightly and stick it on that way. I think the first choice is the best.

4) Using wheat paste would be a good idea as it is all natural and very durable and long lasting. It’s not too conventionally used on metal but due to the small scale all I need is a pigment that can squeeze the metal piece together so wheat paste should be enough.

5) All I need to do is do some research on the ratio and process needed to create wheat paste, which is not fairly easy.

6) The materials are non toxic natural materials and I am not really involving any new systems as everything I need I already own and I only need a minute amount of each which would make this project have not much of an impact on the environment in terms of the systems used.

7) The repair will probably take 20-30 minutes in total. But I would have to give the glue a few days to dry.

8) I hope the repair can last a few decades, there is no reason to buy another ruler if the one I own works fine.

9) With the throwaway culture, we can teach students there are easy ways to simply repair objects and there would be no need to buy another. They might even inspire their parents to be more aware as adults who have their own sources of incomes simply like to buy new things as a convenience rather than fixing things.



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