[LS] Int Sem 1: Fake: Seminar Magazine Research

1. Essay 2. Profile 3. Interview 4. Poem 5. Poem 6. Photo essay

1. The first thing that appeals to me is its theme (suicide) because my theme is “survival.” I think it is very suitable for my research. And it gave a very detailed explanation, which made me more interested in it.
It gave me a good inspiration. I didn’t think about the theme of suicide before I saw it, so I think in my next magazine, I might follow its form and write a paper to explain my point.

2. The first thing that appeals to me is the quote it gives. I think this is a very good way to attract the attention of the reader.
This is very worth learning for me (using quote). Secondly, this quote also gave me new inspiration (don’t give up is also a way of “survival”). I will use this type of quote in my magazine, I think this would be a good way to interpret my theme.

3. Freedom is a controversial topic in today’s society. And this article takes the style of an interview, which makes this article more interesting.

Like the previous ones, its topic is very appealing to me. These articles have opened up my original ideas, I also want to use this style to enrich my magazine, and I want to use fake information to express the interview.

4. To be honestly, the first thing that attracted me was the name of its poet (same name as me). Secondly, I like poetry very much. No matter what it is about, I will appreciate it with my heart.

Although this poem does not revolve around my theme, but I like do its style very much. I will also apply it to my magazine and try to express my thoughts with poetry.

5. I really like the topic of this poem, which can make you have a lot of fanciful thought. And I really like the content of this poem, I feel it brought me to the fall.

Very similar to the previous one, I like poetry very much, so I will choose to use the structure of poetry to convey my thoughts. But the difference is that I will choose to write this poem in a more abstract language, so that each reader can have different ideas after reading.

6. This photo is really appealing to me because I like horses very much, and I own a horse in China, I miss her a lot. Secondly, I like the quote next to it, which makes me feel the freedom when the horse runs.

Maybe I can say ‘I will not survive without a horse’ in my magazine. This will be a interesting idea because she is a very important friend to me, like a family member. She can represent a lot of my loves, if I don’t have her, I will lose a lot of motivation.

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