Multiple Perspective, Poster and Show

Bridge 3 Group Project: Presenting Curatorial Plan for an Art Exhibition at MOO

Presentation PowerPoint

In Search of Lost Time presentation


During the discussion, I insisted on research about my artist who first doesn’t seem as rebellious as the other three. We had two possible theme for the show: Imagination and Rebellion. We drew out the note of title “In search of lost time”.  I came up with the idea that the artworks “in the lost time” will be the treasures that are “searched” out by us and being put into our show. The lost time can be interpreted as past time or the time we forget. At the end, we progressed this idea to our theme: In Search of Lost Time: Rebel against Forgotten.

My group member, Nicole, Clarice, Tracy and I made the poster collectively. After we decided the general design, each of us picked a figure from the artwork in the show and form the design of the poster. With limited time, we went through the printing process few times. Tracy probably was the most dedicated to the printing while Nicole and I outlined the PowerPoint. I selected some figurative parts from the artworks and photoshop them to the elements that was added to the presentation.

I had a fantastic hard-working group that we respect each other’s idea and being humble and kind at the same time. These together made the collaboration enjoyable and productive.


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