Reflection Post Fall 2019

I had a good start for my college life.

I made a lot of new friends, much more than I thought I would. Although I didn’t get to know everyone in all of my classes, I had a wonderful Studio/Seminar class. People are respectful and tried to be the kindest to each other. Our professors Rachel and Megan, who are fantastic, patient and enthusiastic, made very strong connection between Studio and Seminar classes. Our classes hade a lot of fun through the inspiring lens. I love Bridges that have the ambiguity in requirements that we have space to express our creativity.  Rachel and Megan always respect our creation and encourage us to be better. In Bridge 2, we had a trip to Green wood cemetery and later interviewed my partner to know more about her.  Through this project, I learned about everyone in our class better. Bridge 3 & 4 provided a chance to learn how to research and I found interest in them. I wish I could spend more time with everyone in the class including our amazing professors.

In Drawing & Imaging I experienced many different forms of demonstrating images.  We learned to use digital tools and mix it with other features. We learned to use color to show depth. We learned Pointillism which is one of my favorite projects. Professor Beata is always full of energy; we love her so much. It is always inspiring to see other drawing style from my classmates and how they perceive the same theme of project so distantly.

I struggled in my Space and Materiality class. There were many time I couldn’t understand what is Professor Kim’s expectation. She wish we can do better. I left this class with many skills in treating materials such as wire, metal, wood, rubber foams, platic and so on.

NELP 1700&1750 were the classes I was not interested in. But surprisingly the themes and topics that were assigned in 1750 are quite inspiring. Moreover, we’ve enjoyed the discussion in class. Professor Cynthia was very open-minded and humorous at the same time. We got to speak our thoughts and comments, of course in a respectful manner.

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