Bridge 1: What Fashion Means to You

Human naturally pursue beauty. No one hates beautiful things. However, what we consider beauty today is what we were taught as beauty. Everyone have slightly different taste, but mostly saw beauty on a same direction that the society agrees with. Therefore, I consider the most beautiful thing of fashion is about people’s stories rather than the aesthetics.


Inspirational designers: Guo Pei, Christian Dior

My moodboard is about my favorite aesthetics in fashion. Guo Pei and Christian Dior are my favorite designers and the ones I look up to–who combine history and traditions in their design. Fashion itself is a history as it is always closely tied to social, economic even political movements at the time. This is fascinating to me; fashion is a reflection of a society, an era, a community of people. I love to see “beautiful” fashion. At the same time, I think the inspirations and the story behind a fashion piece is as important as its visual aesthetics. The story of beauty and fashion belongs to everybody. My collection of beauty present what I think is beauty in fashion.

Collection of 4 Pieces

Beauty and Fashion in Everyone’s Closet

First, I see beauty and fashion in every one’s closet. I digitally collage the piece. The beauty about the fashion is that it belongs to every ordinary people. Everyone’s closet contain his or her own style. People have their own fashion. They choose what they wear and how to present themselves. The closets where reflects everyone’s unique beauty of fashion.


Beauty of Fashion Belongs to Everyone on Street

Second to forth pieces are done in watercolor. In second piece, I freely draw a window view of a store. People window shopping out of pursue of beauty and fashion. You don’t have to buy anything, but the beauty is in your eyes, in your mind. Beautiful close and fashion in the windows beside the street belongs to everyone who pass by.


Beauty of Dream in Fashion Show

Fashion show is one of the most powerful event in fashion. Although it dominated the fashion industry and gives limitation to the definition of beauty and fashion, it is beautiful. Not only the clothes, but every model walking on the stage, every designer who worked hundreds of days, the stage designer, the light designer, the director and all who present in the show, all contribute to fashion. People, includes the audiences, worked together to make this happen. This place is beautiful when is it full of love of beauty and fashion and enthusiasm. This is a beautiful place to designers and models who make their dream come true.


Beauty of Fashion Created by Designer

Last, I include the unique experience that might only belongs to designer–process of making beauty and fashion. Designers research, learn, practice to produce beautiful fashion designs. To me, this process is beautiful. Designers presents their concept of beauty and fashion. I also find fascinating that designers are making designs not just to the buyer, but who appreciate the mutual aesthetics.

Beauty of fashion is universal to everyone but having uniqueness in the story of every different person.

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