About the field trip, we went to see different places in the city and experience how these places interact with people.
At the AIDS Memorial, I was impressed by the upper structure.
The structure is consisted of steel triangles filled with lines. The triangles and lines have different directions so the whole piece looks different as I walking towards it form the outside to the inside. The variety really drew my attention. Close to the ground, at the supporting point of the steel structure there are flowers that people put in memory of a woman who was respectable and died from AIDS.
They also put the picture of the woman with the flowers, which gave me a shock from looking at it. There is a reflecting fountain under the steel structure.
When I stood away from it, I saw the reflection of the windows of the buildings in the neighborhood; when I walked close and bent a little bit to look down at the fountain, I saw myself under the steel the structure, looking like I was accepted and welcomed by the steel memorial. It is so cool that the reflecting fountain functions to interact with the surroundings, and I want to use some interacting elements in my project too.
World Trade Center Transportation Hub’s outlook is so powerful.
It looks like wings of flying bird. The steel lines are organized in row and form different looks from different aspects. A lot of connecting part inside the building are smooth with fluent lines and faces.
Like the space between the stairs and wall, the steel structures connected to the ceiling. These steel pieces consist such a great scale spectacle that gives a strong visual impact. I am also impressed by the steel pieces that form the outside of the building, where there are spaces designed for people to sit.
It is so smart that it just naturally take advantage of the space between the steel pieces and the ground. This detail is so great to combine human activity with the building and I want to use it in my project.
There are glass buildings that reflect the sky and the clouds, which is a great great to combine the building with the nature.
One thing that touched me at 911 Memorial is that people would put flowers in the carved names.
The purity and fragility of the flower has a strong contrast with the solid, cold piece of steel, almost immediately made me think of the beautiful, fragile dreaming life with the cruel, cold and heartbreaking reality. The strong contrast gave me a strong emotional shock, it would be so good if I can use it in my project.
Other details like the connection between stair and ground or the super comfortable sitting area in the liberty park are good references about how to make the space more enjoyable for people.