Research Precedence: Existing similar designs solution to the design problem you have decided to resolve (reference Daniel Toretsky)
Form (design) development: 6-10 drawings based on class activity and pears feedback
Developed prototype, study, or mock-up for peer critique: 3-4 quick small 3D sketch models of design concept
For my final project, I want to make a community center for the people of Crown Heights. I don’t want to make it in form of building because that would simply push forward the concept of gentrification. I’d rather want it to look like an installation that works like a community center once a week. This will be situated in one of the vacant spaces in Franklin Ave which will be filled grass. I want it to be made out of glass because that is a durable material and looks very modern. However the activities happening inside each glass tunnel will be authentic to Crown Heights. There could be clothes exhibition from the local stores, a farmer’s market sort of thing, some braiding professionals to do their work, local food (authentic) stalls, historic insight and a play area for children. Each of this will be in a different tunnel. There will be benches and chairs outside this so people can gather and enjoy. Gentrification is tearing the community apart and my aim is to get them together and create a more lively environment. With the locals and old residents connecting with each other, the impact of gentrification could reduce. These tunnels will also have solar panels on top so that the energy generated is renewable and sustainable.
Some of my sketches:
Idea 1:
The long tunnels of varying length would be made out of glass and have different activities happening in them. In this idea I made the different tunnels go around the dome completely.
Idea 2:
For this model I though that I would make the tunnels go around the dome only halfway and instead of having a haphazard arrangement of lengths. I would make the first tunnel the lowest (height) and it increases in height to the last one. Imagine it like a xylophone but instead of the length its the height which rises; upward sloping.
I wanted to have a glass dome in the middle which would be connected to the tunnels. I was planning to either make it a painting wall where people can come and paint (not spray paint) whatever they want. The other idea was to make a dome with swings inside so people can just come and relax.
Shelter/Extending roof (the arrangement in pictures is not accurate):
While keeping constraints in mind I realized that if I had solar panels on the top of tunnels and it snowed, energy could be hard to generate. So I thought of these extendable roofs which will also be made out glass and slanted like a hut top to push down the snow and let light enter.