3D Group Paper Model
Our group decided to make an adornment for ears, employing the folding and simple origami out of paper. We started with exploring a way of making connections functioning similar with chains of earrings. So we came up with the idea of making loops (as shown in Process 2 image). Furthermore, we realized that the numbers of the loops can decide the length of the earrings. By changing the numbers, we were able to create a set of asymmetrical adornments. the body of the adornments is a fan-shape origami, inspired by the pleating technique of Issey Miyake. I suggest the origami part of the work and I think it came out great with the asymmetric feature that cooperated with the numbers of loops, which I would like to employ to my later work in this bridge.
What Jewelry means to me is memories and inheritance. My parents are working on a business of jade ornaments and what they once told me is that the more people wore the jade, the better it would shine. It’s because people wearing jewelries injected personal values into the jewelry.
For this bridge, I want to create a multi-function jewelry that could be durable for use with materials that are not sustainable.
Sources (From Left to Right):
Material Collection and Experimentation
The repurposed materials I collected are drink bottle caps with three types and regular threads.
I experimented with piercing my materials for creating mediums of connecting between them. By piercing different places around the caps, I could experiment with different ways of threads interacting with the materials, through which I will be able to create diverse patterns with repetition of caps.
Recreated Paper Model
I made a paper models for an earring the plastic bottle caps can possibly be made into from layering.