Electronic Learning Portfolio

Category Sustainable Systems

Plastic Bag Project.

For my plastic bag project, I made a belt out of two plastic bags and metal connectors. I braided plastic bag strips to make it strong and durable and attached it to the connector. All the parts can easily be… Continue Reading →

Kombucha Leather Project

I made a wallet out of leather and revits. It has an interlock system made with flaps from leather and all parts can easily be taken off and recycled.

Life Cycle Final Project- Sustainable Systems

For my final project for the Life Cycle, I made a jewelry Hanger/stand. I used scrap wooden block and wooden dowels. My main focus was to involve only one life cycle that could be recycled easily. I used wood as… Continue Reading →

Circle Line Assignment

Brooklyn Bridge- Williamsburg Bridge- Manhattan Bridge-   The NewTown eggs- Pollutants- waste discharged from truck. Air pollution by the smoke discharged from the factories.   Metal waste from the squeezed car in junk yard. Speaker 1-By the end of this… Continue Reading →

“Solutions”- Sustainable Systems

For my sustainable systems class, we had to find a solution to a problem. Our market was the farmers in California. Problem to solve was that they don’t get enough water for their land due to the drought. California is… Continue Reading →

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