Whale Fall: Final project

Proposal video

Whale Fall Video

PowerPoint link

Whale fall proposal


Whale Fall

Whale Fall is a diorama made by Yuqi Liu using multiple materials, depicting the process of whale carcasses falling to the bottom of the sea to provide nutrients for deep-sea creatures and create a diverse ecology.



Whale fall is sad, but hopeful process. When whales die in the deep sea, they plummet, providing nutrients to many deep-sea creatures. The lipids in whalebone can even provide nutrients to the surroundings for 50 to 100 years. Whale fall is a very important part of the reproduction and development of deep-sea creatures.

This stunning natural phenomenon was my inspiration, so I wanted to create an art installation that would make people think about the close connection of organisms in the food chain in nature. At the same time, I am also thinking about whether the killing of large whales by humans will affect the food chain in the deep sea. Whether the means of human intervention in nature prevent the reproduction and survival of deep-sea creatures. This is also a question I hope the audience who sees my work will be able to think.


Humans’ sights start from the Earth to the universe, but we rarely think about the deep ocean. Deep-sea ecosystems and food chain cycles are still mostly unknown. I start with the whale fall, an important part of the deep-sea ecosystem, to reflect the connection between creatures in the environment. I hope my works can make people realize the close connection of the biological chain, we should use the attitude of respect for nature and live in harmony with nature. Generally speaking, the audience for my works should be all people who are full of love for nature and animals.



Schedule summary: The initial campaign will take 5 weeks to complete. 

Week 1: Research and develop the concept

Week 2: Concept sketches 

Week 3: Build the 3D Model

Week 4: 3D print and build detail

Week 5: Paint, make a wooden frame, and fix

                Photo documentation Post on social media







Here is some early sketches and my mono-print Whale using object print.



The size of this diorama will be approximately 10 inches height 9 inches long and 5 inches wide. 

It will be built using 3D printing




1. I start with studying the bone structure of humpback whales. Especially the skull because I was not familiar with the structure.


2. Then I began to build the 3D model in Nomad. I start with the basic of the design —skull and the spine.


3. After finishing the bone I add the outside skins to create the feeling of death body of whales beening eaten by other creatures.


4. After I done with skin I got to decide what is in the center of the body. Then I thought about the heart. The heart is an important organ that can keep creatures alive, so I wanted to show my idea about the after-the death of whales being an important process that could keep many creatures’ lives using the symbol of a heart.


5. Connect two parts together add coral and seabed.


6. Then I finished structure and fixed some details.


7. Input into PrusaSlicer to check the hole structure and check the approximate time and weight.


8. Then I do the first  3D print model. The first 3D print version used silvery gray FLA print material. It works pretty well, but I think if I change color to white it will be better and more in line with my initial results expected. There are also some details in the first version of the model because they are too thin and not well linked, so they came off when the support was removed.


9.  I went back to print a new version after changing all the details. I choose to use white this time and I think the result is excited. The White Color is more like bone color and do have the cold and hard feeling of silver color.


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Does this diorama express my idea?

Who will be interested in this project?

If I have the opportunity how to continue and keep developing this project?

The original idea for this project came from the ULEC: Death of Natural class I took this semester, which inspired me a lot. We discussed a lot of issues about the natural environment in this class, and it made me rethink the relationship between humans and nature. I think my work expresses the close connection of biological chains and a cycle of energy and matter. This is not the only work I did, but I also showed the three stages of whale fall in my letterpress class by format of a zine book. (I will add link here when I finished) It expresses the theme of one whale falls and all things come to life.

This is the second piece that I have done through 3D modeling and 3D printing. During this semester I have experimented with many methods and materials that I have not been exposed to before. Different mediums can produce different effects and feelings. I have experimented with different forms that can be used to present my work. I think my semester has been very amazing!
Thank you 🥹


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