Fake Seminar- 9/11 clipping analysis

After revisiting the videos and articles about the commemorations of 9/11 I figure that most the commemorative events are for those who lost loved ones and friends in this incident. The governments and different organizations are trying to bring people back to remembering the tragic event that happened years ago. They were mourning the victims by reading their names and asking their relatives to talk to the public about their loss. They bring out stories such as the ones who have suffered in the loss of their loved ones due to this tragic event. They let children speak about the one family member they have never meet due to the tragic event. The most common words I hear or see in those articles and videos were “ground zero,” “remembering,” “tragic,” “lost,” and etc. All of them were leading people to the way of lyrical sadness. All the stories the relatives of the victims told were trying to let people who have nothing to do with the event bring their attention to this event. They are trying to tell stories of their kids or love ones to let people imagine themselves in the same situation in order to get more attention.

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