Fake Seminar-Bridge 3 altering the meaning

The original painting had the women’s hair putting down naturally on her shoulder and seems a little bit messy. The action of her looking out the window with her arms crossed in front of her chest makes her seem worried and nervous about something. She looks like a middle-aged woman who is always worried about something. The messy hair makes me feel like she is too stressed to the point that she does not care about how she looked anymore. I altered the hairstyle of the character in the painting. I changed her messy curl hair to a neat bun. I think this way she would look a bit more organized. And at the same time, the bun hair can express that she actually put some effort into herself to make herself more presentable. I think the change I make achieves the goal of making her look more presentable. The neat bun hair makes her seem much younger than the original version. And this time, she the way she looks out the window seems like she is enjoying the view outside the window instead of worrying about something. The painting now can be seen as a girl in a hotel room enjoying the beautiful view outside the window.

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