Fake Studio-Bridge 3


Original Painting selected from the MET


Painting the curtain with acrylic color

Painting cardboard for the door

Painting on the canvas for the background of the painting

Adding details to the background/ attaching the finished cardboard on the canvas with 3M tape

Taping the canvas on the whiteboard/Hanging the curtain on the whiteboard


An image of the Tableau Vivant

The video of your vivant:

Fake Studio-Bridge 3 from yuqing zhu on Vimeo.

During the process of Bridge 3, I helped paint the cardboard for the door and as well as painting the canvas. I was also the main character of our Tableau Vivant. This is the first time for me to working in such a big group. I think working together is very interesting. The best thing about working in such a big group is that people have different skills and advantages, so we could do what we good at to achieve the same goal.

For our Tableau Vivant, we created a story of a housemaid cleaning the glass. And the water she used for cleaning the glass has blue pigment in it. The glass she wiped had blue color on. Then there was the scene where the house owner came and blame the housemaid. Then they argue for a bit and in the end, the housemaid pushed the house owner away and drop the bottle and paper towel on the floor. And following the last scene, where she stair at the outside of the window.

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