Anxiety Things

Anxiety Things

My group decided to collaborate on a shared color scheme and the theme of mental health and mental health awareness. We felt that it is an issue which everyone can relate to since lots of people have struggled with their mental health and/or are close to people who have.

I have personally struggled with my mental health for the majority of my life and i wanted to use this chance to illustrate a particular issue which is my struggle with severe anxiety. I think that anxiety is often portrayed in a lighthearted way and most people don’t realize or understand the full extent of what people who suffer from severe anxiety live with. it is often a crippling illness which can drastically effect the sufferer and is so much more than ‘being nervous or worried’

(above) initial moodboard for inspiration and to help me gauge what i could do with the color scheme.

(above) 4 illustrations which depict different things associated with my anxiety.

(below) My 4 illustrations accompanied by 4 short emotive poems which visualize my internal emotions/experience.

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