A Mental Health Campaign

Topic: Removing stigma around crying and expressing one’s emotions within college students. 

Audience: College students

Mission Statement: 

TISSUE TRIBUTES campaigns to end the stigma surrounding mental health. We campaign to raise awareness, promote understanding and encourage openness and honesty surrounding the conversation around emotional stability. 

Our aim is to campaign to make social media a safe place and strive to create a society where every person has the right to access help and support whilst being treated with respect and dignity

The instagram account (@tissuetributes) asks viewers to anonymously submit the story of the last time they cried or share their experiences reflecting upon their mental health. The account allows people to confess and confide whilst also finding comfort in other people’s responses. It provides a platform that aims to break down the walls surrounding mental health and the stigma associated with showing emotion.

By taking back the act of crying as a sign of power rather than a sign of weakness, TISSUE TRIBUTES creates a positive atmosphere that encourages the healthy release of emotions. By sharing these responses we aim to show people they are not alone, that it is okay to struggle and that no one is perfect. We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.

click for slideshow presentation Tissue Tributes (2)

Created in collaboration with Christian Olarte Cortes and Melanie Genao.






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