Haptic Space Mini Project & ‘REFLECTION’


  1. Skin
  2. Pain 
  3. Pressure 
  4. Fat
  5. Hairy
  6. Lumpy
  7. Firm 
  8. Crease 
  9. Tactile 
  10. Soft
  11. Solid
  12. Mass
  13. Curve
  14. Contrast
  15. Structured
  16. Tender
  17. Contour
  18. Aware
  19. Sensitive
  20. Bloated
  21. Uncomfortable 
  22. Distorted 
  23. Dense 
  24. Heavy 

HAPTIC CONTOUR AND TEXTURE DRAWINGS: graphite touch drawings and some digital experimentation to play with words and connections.

REFLECTION: Describe your current relationship to the world through your sense of touch. Observing how you use your hands, how are they connected to your processes of thinking and imagining?

It left me with strange feelings, trying to process and understand my sense of touch. It is something so second nature, so ingrained into my everyday that i guess i take it for granted- or at least find it hard to separate it from my other senses in such a clear cut way. Touch helps us ‘see’, it allows us to receive and process information acquired from our other senses which all together help  make up our own unique perception of the world around us. It protects us: from pain, from potential danger. Touch makes things ‘real’. It allows our brains to connect what we see visually with the physical. It offers reassurance that our eyes are telling us the truth, and becomes distorted when what we construct in our minds differs to the physical.

I think my own sense of touch is distorted and as a result I have a complex relationship with the world around me. In the past I have suffered with body image and self-confidence which i think has affected my ability to objectively judge and gauge the world around me and its relationship to me as an entity within the space. This does have its benefits. My way of looking exaggerates my artistic perspective and offers a different approach to the world. But one that still centres off touch and the way my senses work and receive/process information.

Overall I found this activity/process to be intriguing and very thought provoking, in all it made me notice appreciate my sense of touch and how it allows me to interact with  space more.

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