moma mini task

1. How do you deal when in difficult or unfamiliar situations/spaces? Think of emotions and behaviors

I will try to get used to the environment and avoid the eye contact with other. I will feel nervous when I use in an unfamiliar place and my face will turn red.

2. If you were to share a memory of one of these events, how would you do it? Through writing, telling a story, drawing?

I prefer writing because writing down something will avoid the conversation. I don’t really want to talk about my uncomfortable memory, if I need to do so I prefer to avoid eye contact. Also writing down something can explain the thing clearly

3. Find one piece in the exhibition that moves you (take a photograph) and explain why you chose it.

I feel it’s myself at every first class. unfamiliar with everyone and nervous. sitting over there trying to show nothing. but also at another perspective. When I get used to the environment I started to get used to the environment. And starting to turns same to the environment as this picture did.

4. Is there a connection between you the piece you selected (question 3) to the ways in which you share memories and experiences through your art?

I really like to use color to express my emotion. I feel purple is showing the nervous and lonely. I can feel it’s not a positive emotion. While I was painting I would like to use color to show the emotion first. Also, he used an abstract outline makes this picture only highlight by the color this is a really good way I will learn from him.

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