Visual Culture Studio: Project 4

Both of my studio and seminar project are about the combination of Chinese and greek culture. According to the history evidence, there are a group of sculptors who came to china even earlier than Macro Polo. They influenced the Chinese sculptors who built the Terra-cotta Army.

My inspirations are from an exhibition called THE EPIC ABSTRACTION which took place in the Met.

I was inspired by the technique of splitting paints on the canvas from Autumn Rhythm.

I was also inspired by the the silhouettes of two continents in the Night Journey. I would like to incorporate it in my paintings.

So I made my first final outcome.

The red part represents Chinese culture and the blue part represents greek culture. The middle part of splitting effects represents the collision of these two cultures.


I made the second one after my class visiting the three artists’ studio.

I was inspired by the use of color and lines of the first artist.

Then I made the second final outcome:

The upper part also represents the merging of two cultures and the dots below represents the Terra-cotta Army.

I also would like to incorporate some photoshop work into my piece. Therefore, I took some screen garbs of the representative parts of Terra-cotta Army (patterns on armour) and greek sculptures (furbelow) to make some backgrounds.

Then I added them onto the first piece:


Sustainable Systems: Voluntary Work With IT’S MY PARK

Me and my partner Lexie went to a park in Brooklyn called MARIA HERNANDEZ PARK to do voluntary work with It’s My Park in April 2019. We basically picked up trash and collected bottles which can be reused.

Thousands of New Yorkers come together each year to volunteer and celebrate their neighborhood parks and public spaces through It’s My Park. The It’s My Park projects are open to the public and walk-ons are welcome. It’s My Park is presented by Partnerships for Parks , a joint program of NYC Parks and the City Parks Foundation.

Here are some photos we took in the park:


We analyzed the trash we picked:


Our designs for the organization: