Archive for August, 2014

Textile Swatch Book

Textile Swatch Book

This was a direct continuation of the logo and color palette project. From the logo I had to create patterns…
Logo and Swatches

Logo and Swatches

After doing all the work to finally have a research focus, we were asked to build on that by creating…
Visual Taxonomy

Visual Taxonomy

This work was based on a trip we did as a class to the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit in Brooklyn,…

Fabric Manipulation

Although this project seems completely unrelated to the first one this was actually a direct continuation. As this was the…

Beauty Artifacts

This was basically the introduction for the whole semester, as beauty would later on be the main idea that the…
Silhouette Study

Silhouette Study

This was something that was done in order to help us with our final project. We were basically asked to…
Studio – Fear

Studio – Fear

This was the second project in my studio class from the fall semester. I can say that I definitely had…
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