This was the final project of the semester and by far one of my favorite during my first year. I’ve always liked posters, hence the reason why I was considering communication design before finally deciding on fashion, so I was definitely excited when we finally had to make one. In terms of theories and so forth, this was basically the project where we could integrate all the things we’ve learnt so far during the semester. In terms of the project itself, this project was mainly inspired by Russian Constructivist posters. Basically we had to take a poster that we found to be of particular interest and edit that into a poster about one of the seven deadly sins, and in my case it was Envy. Aside from that we also had to incorporate text into the poster in relation to the sin we chose. For the design of the poster itself I got the ideas of using my eyes from the term the green eyed monster, which sparked this thought inside of me that reminded me that envy had a lot to do with not being satisfied with what we have because we keep on looking at what other people have.
Similar to other bigger projects, this one was also done in multiple steps as we were given a few weeks to complete the whole thing. In total there were two drafts before the final one, in terms of the changes I made the most visible changes can be seen in the difference between the first and second draft. Having realized that I didn’t really emphasize the green as a visual tool to communicate the idea of envy I definitely added a lot more of that in the second draft and had also played around with the text a bit more. The difference between the second draft and the final one though wasn’t as significant as it was basically only a change in the text color below the big ‘Envy’ in the poster. Overall I must say I am pretty satisfied with what I came up with, and it was definitely interesting to actually use my own eyes in the poster.