Fabric Manipulation

Although this project seems completely unrelated to the first one this was actually a direct continuation. As this was the fashion section of the Int. Studio, we were of course asked to deal with fabric. The idea here was to manipulate fabric in six different manners that would somehow embody the idea of beauty presented by our collection of artifacts. The bigger challenge was that we had to create six different pieces but somehow still make them cohesive enough.

We did the project in two different parts as we were given two weeks to do the project. For the first deadline we were only asked to submit three of the manipulations we did as the professore wanted to have a class critique before we continued with the other three, as to make sure that we can create a cohesive collection of manipulations.

What my six manipulations embodies is the idea that beauty can come from the simplest of things, that it is layered and filled with nuances, hence the reason why most of my manipulation deals with pleating. I must say that I really did enjoy doing this project as it was a very hands on one that really allowed me to experiment. It was definitely an experience to as  I’ve never been on who really use pleats whenever I design something. Overall I was very satisfied, because even if my pieces weren’t the ones to really stand out during critique, at the moment, I felt as if these were my best work in terms of craftsmanship on fabric. I know it isn’t perfect but I still felt that it was progress.


2014-02-20 15.47.15

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