Basically this was a book me and two of my classmates made that was filled with optical illusions inspired by already existing illusions.
This was my second group project of the semester. While the premise was simple (we had to create a book that would be part of a display by the UNI project) coming up with the idea wasn’t as easy. With that said we finally settled on optical illusions. Since there were three of us we decided that it would be better if we each focus on a specific aspect of optical illusion and use those as inspiration as we create our own. For example, one of my partners made illusions based on Bridget Riley’s work, the other made it based on … and I made mine based on Marcel Duchamp’s rotoreliefs. It was hard as the idea was very simple, so the book needed to be really clean and neat. A lot of hours was put into making the book as perfect as it can be, with that said I realized that it isn’t. Taking everything into consideration though, I’m pretty happy with this because this was the first time I was able to learn book binding techniques, which honestly always interested me.