Visual Taxonomy

This work was based on a trip we did as a class to the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit in Brooklyn, and individual trip I made to the American National History Museum and my own browsing on the internet. Thinking about beauty we had to go to these exhibit/museum in search of things we thought represented beauty. After doing so we were then asked to create a visual taxonomy that involved both text and visuals as method for further exploration on this idea of beauty. We were given the freedome to do this as we please, meaning we didn’t have to do a mind map per se, but I chose to make it in such a manner because that really reflected the thinking process I went through to get to the last section of my taxonomy. From this project we were basically asked to determine what section/concept of beauty that we wanted to explore in feature work. From all this, it was then I decided to explore more about the form of beauty. Really taking an interest from the gold in the American National History Museum, I then decided to focus further on about what made gold so beautiful and why it has been able to withstand the test of time. MOOD BOARD STUDIO3

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