Project Vintage Part 2.

This is a continuation of the vintage project. TheĀ focus here is more on the prints. The idea was to take decade and look at artworks, books, posters etc from that decade and be inspired by them. I chose the 60s and found out about the popularity of optical illusions, so I decided to take those optical illusions and create a new print by manipulating them on Photoshop and Illustrator.

These were the seven looks I chose to edit for the second part of the project, as I thought they would look the most cohesive together. I also chose these seven as I thought, they were the ones that allowed me to really play with the prints I had made

These were the seven looks I chose to edit for the second part of the project, as I thought they would look the most cohesive together. I also chose these seven as I thought, they were the ones that allowed me to really play with the prints I had made

These were the six prints that I had created using illustrator and photoshop. The idea behind all the prints was that i took some optical illusions made by bridgette riley and manipulated them to make them my own.

These were the six prints that I had created using illustrator and photoshop. The idea behind all the prints was that i took some optical illusions made by bridgette riley and manipulated them to make them my own.

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