Entry5 IS2

Tuesday, February 8 2017


I often wonder if the only way to create beautiful art is through pain. It is often said that pain creates the most beautiful art whether it’s books, poems, drawings, paintings etc.. but does all art have to have a deep meaning. Or why do we assume that the meaning behind art pieces are always something incredibly emotional. Is sadness the only way we are able to give meaning or connect to our audience? They say that mutual struggles bring people closer together but what about mutual happiness? It’s interesting how the feeling of sadness always has the power to overcome the feeling of joy. Or how a moment of pain can last years whereas a moment of happiness last sometimes only a few minutes before we forget about it. So is it possible for an art piece with a happy meaning to reach out and touch people as strongly as a painful one ?
That energy is also carried out in museums. The ambience of Museums aren’t jolly, playful and happy. They’re usually quiet, proper and focused. And Without anything distracting you, you’re forced to listen and interact with your thoughts. I just find it interesting the way the tone and mood is set. In many ways I understand why it’s made that way but I also wonder what it would be like to create an environment in a museum where people were able to freely interact and express themselves in whatever way they felt.and that makes me wonder.. if art is meant for people to freely express themselves then how come we lock them in museums. If art is a form of freedom then why do we preserve them and lock them up in rooms. if we put famous paintings in the city instead of a restricted area. Would we be able to interact and understand it better ? Rather than be forced to stare at it hanging from a white wall with no real life interaction.

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