Integrative Seminar:Multiple Perspectives

Figure Skating

Figure skating is such a sport in which skaters, single or with a pair, perform freestyle movements of jumps, spins, lifts, and footwork in a graceful manner.Being an incredibly competitive sport, figure skating needs talent, dedication, ambition and most important of all time. Time is the one component that makes one a professional figure skater. Although the term professional is not ones skill level but rather its ones competitive level.

I used to be hockey player and I took place in games back in Turkey. One day, in the middle of the game, coach pulled me out and said that someone wanted to talk to me after the game about figure skating. Thus began my figure skating journey. Being a dancer and having hockey training helped me understand both the structural and the elegant part of figure skating. For the first few practices I was always ahead of my peers due to my background.

Before the sectionals in Istanbul, I tried to do a flip jump and couldn’t land properly which caused me to break my left ankle. After this I had to take a leave and was not able to attend any competitions due to my injury. 2 months passed by and I did not skate at all. Finally it was time for me to skate but when i got there I found that my membership was revoked and that my license was taken away because my coach needed someone new and decided to kick me out of the team without even consulting me. This made me extremely angry,  but not as angry as there are few to none ice skating teams in Istanbul. This was the only one which could be considered somewhat close to where I live, so I had to resign from figure skating competitively.

I somewhat skated after all that and now I finally think that it is time for me to get back on the ice and re-feel what I use to feel. It has been 4 years since I have actually tried to figure skate so this will be an interesting experience for me. The reason I chose this for my project is that skating, now, seems like such foreign concept to me and I forgot almost everything about it. If one does not practice everyday, it basically makes one forget everything about ice skating.

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