Julien Dorra: Programming in Museum?

Julien Dorra: Programming in Museum?

When: 23rd of September 2014, 7-8.20pm
Where: Parsons Paris, 45 rue Saint-roch, 75001, room 301

I’m Julien Dorra and I design creative events and workshops. Working at the crossing of technology and creativity, I love to build up fruitful communities by gathering people of diverse skills, age and background. I’m one of the creators of Museomix, ArtGame weekend, Switch On Switch Off, Coding Goûter.

I’m constantly designing new formats that fit with a particular context and goal.
Recently: du Code, des couleurs, des cookies (with Jonathan Perret, june 2014, december 2014 and april 2015) and Je suis une vrai pile électrique (october 2014) for le Centre Pompidou; A community-oriented hackathon series to connect a client company with web-born developers (with David Raichman, upcoming); Electric me! and CodeCool for Nicéphore Cité (october 2014).

You can ask me any question on Twitter.

Some texts I wrote and that might be related to your interests:

PS: A great, inspiring, short story by Bruce Sterling: Maneki Neko. It’s from 1998, and it’s both very, very close to what is happening, and very, very strongly showing us that much more social change is in our reach. I love it. You’ll love it too.