D+TM #25 Olia Lialina
What: User Illusion and User Experience
When: Monday 2nd of March, 12-3pm
Where: Parsons Paris room 500
Who: Olia Lialina
User Illusion and User Experience
Human-Computer Interaction designers have huge power, and seem unaware about it often. Many of those who design interfaces never studied interface design, many of those who did didn’t study its history, never read Alan Kay’s words about creating the “user illusion,” didn’t question this paradigm and didn’t reflect on their own decisions in this context. And not only interface designers should be educated about their role, but it should be discussed and questioned which tasks can be delegated to them in general.
Where are the borders of their responsibilities?
Olia Lialina
Born in Moscow.
Net Artist, one of net.art pioneers.
Writes on New Media, Digital Folklore and Vernacular Web. Co-founder of Geocities Research Institute
Professor at Merz Akademie, (New Media Pathway), Stuttgart
Animated Gif Model.