Faculty Profile: Donato Ricci
Donato Ricci is design lead and Post-Doc researcher at médialab | SciencesPo.
He conducts researches concerning the role of design practices in human and social sciences. Furthermore, he is involved in projects using visual models, tools and approaches for observing social phenomena through digital traces.
Since 2005 he has been part of the development of the DensityDesign Lab where deepened his interest in exploring the role of visual languages to foster public engagement in complex social issues. He is Assistant Professor of Representação e Conhecimento at Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) and teaches data & information visualization at Parsons Paris.
His works have been featured in several conferences and exhibitions (MediaLAB Prado – Visualizar08; SIGGRAPH09 Conference; MIT Humanities + Digital Conference, The Art of Network), publications and showcases (Data Flow; Information Graphics; Visual Complexity; Visual storytelling).
Furthermore, as a member of the DensityDesign lab, he got a bronze (2012) and a silver medal (2013) at Malofiej-Awards.