reFrag: media archaeology gathers together international artists exploring media archaeology, hardware hacking / sampling, e-waste recycling, critical making, internet culture, media studies and more, in their practice. During 3 days a series of workshops, talks and performances will be held at Parsons Paris and at the Gaité Lyrique from April 20th to the 22nd.

Artists, designers, students and visitors will be invited to explore and challenge the limits and impact of technologies. The festival will conclude with a conference entitled: UN\DEAD MEDIA, held at the Gaité Lyrique Auditorium on friday 22nd of April from 7 to 9:30pm in collaboration with Neural Magazine.

reFrag: is the annual festival of Parsons Paris’ Art, Media & Technology department. Curated by the program director Benjamin Gaulon and the Media Archaeology Lab Paris.

reFrag: is a symposium exploring new connections between art, culture and technology.

Jankenpopp + VTOL + Darsha Hewitt + Dani Ploeger + Nicolas Maigret + Emilie Gervais + shawné michaelain holloway + DeMO + Jerome Saint-Clair + Antoine KIK + Louise Drulhe + Systaime + Maureen Muse + Gijs Gieskes + TOKTEK + Benjamin Gaulon + Emmanuel Guy + Alessandro Ludovico