The Exhibit: The exhibit is very complete and all of the pieces work separately as they do as a whole. They are a study of media and how sounds and images as well as frames work together to express an idea or a group of ideas. As you move through the exhibition you can see many examples of juxtaposing images and simultaneously and it is evident how this affect how the idea is perceived and which of the media based technologies that are at play (image, and or sound) compliment each other.
Cut to Swipe and Toulouse Lautrec
The Luther price Film Stills which depict the subject of religion through manipulating and burning films from hand-made stills I believe is the one that best compares to the video of the dancer in the Toulouse-Lautrec dance video. Both videos are manipulated and both are emphasized in specific subjects one and dance and the other in religion to conclude they are also both a product of handmade film.
works that caught my attention where:
Ken Okiishi combined the modern media technology of video and sound in a flat screen just like The Otolithc group did in their grease documentaries compilations, but unlike the compilations he superimposed paint on the flat screens. The paint may serve as a distraction to the video but the sound is still loud and clear and makes you focus more on what the video’s sound.The ZG magazine covers tell tame through popular media they concentrate in the topics of music art and film they reposed linearly in a chronicle order that helps you understand the movement of time through still frames. though they are all connected none of them are placed onto of each other making all of them easy to capture. Unlike most of the exhibit this piece is based on still based media and may be seen simultaneously but separate.